DOI: 10.34916/el.2019.11.13
Svitlana Skvortsova, Yana Haievets K. Ushynsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
Oksana Onopriienko National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Abstract: The article focuses on the structure and peculiarities of the content filling of the educational and methodological electronic textbook “Methods of teaching mathematical word problem solving to pupils of grades 1-4”. The authors describe the methods of its usage in the process of students’ self-guided work on the course “Methods of teaching mathematics in primary school”. The paper presents the results of the experimental work on introducing this educational and methodological electronic textbook to the process of methodological training of future primary school teachers at the state institution – the K. Ushynsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University.
Keywords: educational and methodological electronic textbook, training of future primary school teachers, course “Methods of teaching mathematics”, teaching mathematical word problem solving.
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