DOI: 10.34916/el.2019.11.34
Oksana Strutynska, Mariia Umryk National Pedagogical Dragomanov University in Kyiv (Ukraine)
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the issues of the project-based approach in STEM/STEAM education. STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is an educational trend under conditions of which the curriculum includes enhanced natural science component with the use of innovative technologies. STEAM is a way to take the benefits of STEM by integrating it in and through the arts. The authors analyse the development of STEM/STEAMeducation in Ukraine, compare competence level of educators and their level of using principles of STEM/STEAM education. The paper considers interdisciplinary aspects of STEM/STEAM education, in particular, implementation of robotics and 3D technology into the learning process as an important component of STEM education. The paper addresses the issue of gender equality, namely, wide involvement of girls and women in the IT field, STEM education in particular. The solution for attracting more women and girls to the STEM can be realized via incorporating Art and Design to the equation – to transform STEM into STEAM. The authors construct the model of engaging the Art component in creating the science-based methodological training system. The research also considers Learning StartUps as a project-based approach in STEAM education. The authors present examples of implementation of the project-based method in teaching 3D technology via Learning StartUps. Besides, the research shows how to involve Art and Design components in STEM education.
Keywords: STEM/STEAM Education, Project-Based Learning, Learning StartUp, Robotics, 3D technology
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