Innovative Educational Technologies, Tools and Methods for E-learning
Scientific Editor Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska
“E-learning”, 12, Katowice–Cieszyn 2020, pp. 242–256
DOI: 10.34916/el.2020.12.21
Xabier Basogain-1, Krzysztof Gurba-2, Theo Hug-3, Nataliia Morze-4, Tatiana Noskova-5, Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska-6, 1 University of the Basque Country, Spain, 2, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland, 3, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 4, Borys Grychenko Kyiv University, Ukraine, 5, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia, 6, University of Silesia, Poland, 1,, 2,, 3,, 4,, 5,, 6,
Abstract: This article, research review, focuses on STEM and STEAM in contemporary education as research literature review and viewed by experts from different countries: Austria, Poland, Russia, Spain and Ukraine. The article aims to provide opinions, views and reflections by an international team of experts from 6 universities from West, Central and East Europe on important topics: A. Robotics and STEM Education: Challenges, Contemporary Trends and Transformation; B. Microlearning
– Effective Methods of E-Learning. The paper includes the theoretical background of the topics discussed, research literature review, analysis of national and international experience, examples of practical achievements and a description of contemporary trends as well as reflections and conclusions.
Keywords: STEM, STEAM, microlearning, robotics in contemporary education, challenges, trends, transformation.
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