DOI: 10.34916/el.2019.11.12
Olena Sagan, Oksana Los, Olena Kazannikova, Iryna Raievska Kherson State University (Ukraine)
Abstract:The article substantiates the choice of B. Bloom’s taxonomy as a psychological and pedagogical basis for the selection and creation of a system of the effective tasks for the formation of methodical and informative competence of the future teacher of primary classes. Focusing on the fact that in the hierarchy of the thought processes, the goal is not evaluation, but synthesis, as a way of creating a new idea, the article describes the step-by-step filling of the „Matrices for the creation of a system of learning tasks” with the appropriate tools, followed by the demonstration of samples in the proposed LMS author’s „Methodology for teaching computer science in elementary classes”. In the article a reasonably sufficient number of educational tasks to achieve educational goals, proved the effective feedback as a necessary component of blended learning instruction, and also noted the balance between the tasks performed in on-line and off-line modes.
Keywords: Bloom‟s taxonomy, Digital Competence, a teacher of primary classes, educational tasks
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