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Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

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Wydział Sztuki i Nauk o Edukacji
Logo Europejskie Miasto Nauki Katowice 2024

E-learning in the Time of COVID-19
Scientific Editor Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska
“E-learning”, 13, Katowice–Cieszyn 2021, pp. 25–39 


Anna Ślósarz, Pedagogical University of Krakow Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland,, ORCID 0000-0001-5524-3227

Abstract: The aim of the study was to identify studying times preferred by students participating in asynchronous forms of distant education. It was carried out using the instrumental, collective case study method, which allowed comparing cases and examining them in a context.
At the beginning of the academic year, familiarising themselves with e-learning, students participated in online classes. Soon, they did not require further assistance. Initially, the majority of students did the tests shortly after the classes, but after a few sessions they did them before the classes. Students, for whom e-learning was new, usually took one test before the classes while experienced ones did several in one go. Students preferred to study in the evenings and at night. This means that distance education should incorporate the asynchronous delivery mode. University authorities need to regulate distance education which, in accordance with the Act and the ordinance of the Minister of Education, in addition to the dominant at Polish universities synchronous delivery mode, should allow also for asynchronous forms of distant education delivery mode. It is a myth that asynchronous mode of study weak- ens the bond between student, and between students and their lecturer. This common misconception myth disadvantages Polish universities, because corporations as well as the world highest-ranked universities offer MOOC and on-demand courses.

Keywords: students, study plan, instructions, test, post, evening, procrastination.

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