DOI: 10.34916/el.2019.11.11
Bartłomiej Gładysz, Izabela Maleńczyk Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
Abstract: The authors present two pilot experiments they conducted to find out possibility of enhancement of traditional lectures with simple tools of electronic tests. The pilot research was performed in two different forms, for different courses and different subjects in order to make preliminary qualitative comparisons of the pros and cons of selected approaches. The described approaches were employed for selected lectures of Management and Production Engineering bachelor and master courses at the Faculty of Production Engineering (Warsaw University of Technology). Qualitative findings from the pilot experiments will serve as a basis for the design of next rounds of experiment. The novelty of the experimental approach lays in application of electronic tests as a driver for students‟ engagement. The approach is based on an assumption that students are themselves designers of tests for specific lectures. Some questions, after verification by a lecturer, are later a part of an official final examination.
Keywords: educational innovation, traditional lecture, electronic tests
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