DOI: 10.34916/el.2019.11.28
Anna Sajdak-Burska, Marek Kościelniak Jagiellonian University (Poland)
Abstract: E-forum is widely recognized to be an effective method of students’ learning. Research on processes and phenomena in synchronous (SOD) and asynchronous (AOD) discussion at e-forum date back to the first years of the new Millennium and explore both the role and tasks of the moderator as well as complex preconditions of a productive and satisfying students’ participation. The present article focusses on moderation of e-forum discussion and in particular, on two crucial and challenging moments in e-forum moderation: opening and closing. The co-authors of this paper have constructed their perspective on e-forum moderation upon analysis of the role of discussion in the teaching/learning process in face to face, e-learning, and b-learning settings. The final remarks and postulates follow conclusions from the original research study.
Keywords: e-forum moderation, online discussion forum, blended learning, e-learning, discussion, teacher role, student learning, teaching/learning process, AOD, starting a discussion forum, closing down a discussion forum
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