Innovative Educational Technologies, Tools and Methods for E-learning
Scientific Editor Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska
“E-learning”, 12, Katowice–Cieszyn 2020, pp. 65–76
DOI: 10.34916/el.2020.12.06
Svitlana Skvortsova-1 , Tetiana Britskan-2, Yana Haievets-3, 1, 3, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. Ushynsky, Staroportofrankivs’ka 26, Odesa, 65020, Ukraine, 2, Izmail State University of Humanities, Riepina 12, Izmail, 68600, Ukraine, 1,, 2,, 3,, ORCID 1, 0000-0003-4047-1301, 2, 0000-0001-7277-4169, 3, 0000-0003-4580-4080
Abstract: The article presents the structure and content of the e-course “Internet resources for creating mathematical learning and game content for primary school children”. The aim of the course is to introduce teachers to online services that help organize the distance learning of mathematics: services for creating a virtual classroom and filling it with interactive exercises and other educational content (LearningApps, Google Classroom, Classtime, Classdojo), services for organizing a distance lesson (Padlet), and services for conducting a distance lesson in the form of a conference (Zoom). The course is structured in 5 modules, each of which is dedicated to a separate Internet resource. Possibilities of using templates for the creation of tasks and class content in connection with separate kinds of mathematical tasks for an initial course in mathematics and realizing each of the stages of a math lesson in primary school are considered on specific examples within each module. E-course students received both theoretical knowledge about working in the service and practical advice from teachers who have experience with it. The course was attended by more than 400 students who provided positive feedback about it. The course is also implemented in the process of methodological training at the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. Ushynsky, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and Izmail State University of Humanities. These universities take into consideration the results of non-formal education in assessing the academic achievements of students in the discipline “Methods of teaching mathematics in primary school”.
Keywords: ICT, e-course, online service, training for future primary school teachers.
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