DOI: 10.34916/el.2019.11.37
Zuzana Berger-Haladová, Andrej Ferko Comenius University (Slovakia)
Abstract: Nowadays, there is a growing interest in Augmented reality (AR) as a field of research, as well as a domain for developing a broad variety of applications. Since the coining of the phrase „Augmented reality” in 1990, the technology has come a long way from research laboratories and big international companies to suit the pockets of millions of users all over the world. AR’s popularity among younger generations has inspired an effort to utilize AR as a tool for education. For teachers, starting with AR educational authoring, we selected some important milestones of the history of the field with the focus on the specific domain of educational applications. We comment on Videoplace and Construct3D projects in more detail. Finally, we draw a few implications from the available literature for educational authoring.
Keywords: Augmented reality, taxonomy, authoring, digital cultural heritage
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