Innovative Educational Technologies, Tools and Methods for E-learning
Scientific Editor Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska
“E-learning”, 12, Katowice–Cieszyn 2020, pp. 159–170
DOI: 10.34916/el.2020.12.14
Oksana Shelomovska-1, Liudmila Sorokina-2, Maryna Romaniukha-3, Natalya Sorokina-4, Iryna Machulina-5, 1, 2, 3, 5, Dniprovsky State Technical University, Kamianske, Dniprobudivska st. 2, 4, DRIPA NAPA, Dnipro, Gogol st. 29, 1,, 2,, 3,, 4,, 5,, ORCID 1, 0000-0003-3409-9435, 2, 0000-0003-4875-2896, 3, 0000-0001-7623-2690, 4, 0000-0002-0804-330X, 5, 0000-0002-2704-4543
Abstract: The article discusses the current state of cloud technologies and examines their in training students on socio-humanitarian and public administration courses. The research deals with the essence, features and functions of «cloud», «cloud computing» and «cloud technologies». It outlines the structure of university cloud-oriented educational environment by defining its components, subjects and objects of architecture. Discussed are the specificity and ways in which to employ cloud technologies to improve the efficiency of training students on socio-humanitarian specialties and public administration. Relying on the analysis of their sociological research and secondary data, the present authors outline the most popular cloud services used in times of forced transition to distance learning mode. The article analyses the existing software products based on the cloud computing system, as well as the advantages and affordances of each of them when applied in the training of students
of socio-humanitarian specialties and public administration at universities. The research pinpoints the challenges in university functioning which can be quickly overcome by virtue of cloud technologies.
Keywords: cloud technologies, online services, teaching, distance learning, university, sociology, public administration.
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