E-learning in the Time of COVID-19
Scientific Editor Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska
“E-learning”, 13, Katowice–Cieszyn 2021, pp. 309–322
Andrii V. Morozov 1 & Tetiana A. Vakaliuk 2
Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Chudnivska str., 103, 10005, Zhytomyr, Ukraine
1 morozov@ztu.edu.ua, ORCID 0000-0003-3167-0683
2 tetianavakaliuk@gmail.com, ORCID 0000-0001-6825-4697
Abstract: The article considers the issue of administration of the digital environment of higher education institutions in terms of the identification of users. Each higher education institution sets its requirements, features of functionality, which leads to the constant adaptation of such systems for each educational institution. Therefore, it was decided to design and develop a digital educational environment of the univer- sity, which would digitize the basic educational and management processes of a typi- cal free economic zone, but taking into account the peculiarities of the educational process at the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. When conducting educational activities with distance learning technologies using a digital educational environ- ment, it is important to consistently identify, authenticate and authorize participants in the educational process. Therefore, this paper focuses on these issues from the point of view of the administrator of the digital environment. The article describes in detail the capabilities of the digital environment administrator, which are: editing student accounts, providing roles, managing users, roles, rights, rules, routes, and menus. Detailed attention is paid to the management of roles and their functional- ity. The use of the above-described approaches to the identification, authentication, and authorization of participants in the educational process does not guarantee the observance of academic integrity, in particular, when students undergo higher knowledge assessment and certification procedures.
Keywords: administration, digital environment, higher education institution, iden- tification of users.
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